Playground Inspections
Playinspect is a trusted provider of playground inspection, testing and certification services in NSW. We are made up of certified and experienced playground inspectors who are passionate in guaranteeing child-safe and risk-free playground facilities and equipment.
When it comes to kid safety, nothing should be left to chance. Your playground should pass strict standards audits and safety testing. You need regular safety inspections/risk assessment in order to align with the region's playground safety requirements and best practices
This is where Playinspect comes in. With our in-depth knowledge of current safety standards and park/playground best practices, you get a playground that complies with the required standards checklist, one that truly deserves its safety certification.
Playinspect is led by Russell Neumann and Samantha Neumann. We have been working relentlessly since 2004. Our passion is in our work. We want safe spaces for children. We want peace of mind for you.
Get in touch with Playinspect to know more about the playground services that we provide to you. We will gladly discuss the details and the next steps we need to take. Call our hotline today.
For Playground Inspections, leave your details and we will get in touch with you.

Playground Consulting
Good designs lead to a good outcomes. During the design phase it is best to employ Playinspect to assist with the design and planning of the playground when the plans are still in the draft stage. Whilst most architects and designers have a broad knowledge across many codes and standards it is hard to be an expert at all, while at the same time working hard to keep the client satisfied that you are meeting their overall vision. With a keen eye for playground specific details, we will be able to identify any potential clashes with equipment, landscaping and other design safety issues. A small investment up front will help avoid costly mistakes during the construction or manufacturing stages and will help projects move smoothly from the first pen stroke to the final handover.
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Playground Inspections
Playground inspections are a comprehensive service that goes into the nitty-gritty of the standards requirements and best practices in owning and operating a playground. This goes beyond an ocular inspection. We focus on all aspects of your playground. Our thorough inspection work ensures that playground management is easy and hassle-free. You can look forward to minimised risks.
Leave no stones unturned in constructing and managing playground. Inspections are a crucial stage in operating a playground that’s actually safe for children to use. We spot problem areas and risk factors before they cause problems or, worse, injuries. With our team on your grounds, you can relax and look forward to a comprehensive audit and inspections of your playground. Talk to us today about your requirements. Our team will run through the specifics of playground auditing with you.
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Playground Certification
Get your required playground and equipment certification from the team that takes no short cuts when it comes to playground auditing and certification. After all, when you own and operate a playground, it is never just about getting the paperwork done, your certification comes with the Playinspect guarantee of thoroughness.
Talk to us about your certification requirements. Our team can work remotely or head on to your location and start work. Certification by Playinspect is comprehensive, reliable and will ensure your products and playgrounds are compliant with the latest industry standards.
With our stamp of approval, you can look forward to a playground that children can play on safely. That is our goal, and that is what we guarantee.

Impact Testing
Independent Impact testing is a requirement of every playground. There is only one way to know if the product that has been installed as an integral safety surface in your playground complies, with an impact test. Playinspect uses the latest technology with the TRIAX system, to determine if your playground surfacing is safe to ensure no critical head injuries are sustained from insufficient impact attenuation. Playinspect will provide a certificate of compliance so you can rest assured your patrons will be protected from the largest cause of injuries in the playground, inadequate undersurfacing.
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Kim Johnson
Co-ordinator Landscape – Construction, Blacktown City Council
Russell has an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the Australian Standards for playground installations, servicing and compliance within the areas of the playground industry and has the ability to provide accreditation and certification, as well as installation, compliant to the relevant Australian Standards (AS 4685 -- AS/NZS 4422 -- AS/NZS 4486). Russell is professional and efficient in his approach to work and retains a good rapport with clients....

Glenn Williams
Director, Austek Play
Russell has carried out installation works and compliance inspections for Austek Play for the past 5 years.... He has proven to be a most reliable and effective sub contractor to our business.

Lyle Hunt
Contract Manager - Green Options
Green Options currently holds the management contract for 15 separate playgrounds at Mosman Council. Russell has been regularly called upon to perform sub-contracted installations, maintenance works and annual compliance inspections. His industry knowledge and experience has demonstrated his ability to apply these specified tasks with the assurance that it meets Australian Standards and is managed efficiently. Planned projects have always been delivered on time and to a high standard.

Matthew Penrose
Sales and Projects Manager - Omnitech Services P/L
Russell's knowledge and understanding of the Australian Standards for playground installation, servicing and compliance, within all areas of the playground industry, has been a valuable tool for my NSW projects. Russell's ability to provide accreditation and certification, as well as installation, compliant to A/S (AS 4685 – AS/NZS 4422 – AS/NZS 4486), has allowed companies like Omnitech Services, to operate in a competitive market with confidence and assurance.

Graeme Gilson
Managing Director - PlayRope
Russel prides himself on maintaining high levels of relevant training and has a good knowledge of Australian Standards that pertain to the playground industry. Russel's background in building allows him to apply a higher level of expertise to inspection, maintenance and installation of playgrounds than the usual in the industry.
Why Playinspect
Playinspect is the trusted team for all playground certification and testing requirements in the region.
Expertise | UTS-Trained, TRIAX 2015 Experts
Playinspect is led by Russell and Samantha Neumann. Both are UTS-trained by Professor David Eager. Likewise, for the TRIAX 2015 Systems, they received training and certification from the globally-recognized leading expert, Rolf Huber. Together with the team, you get the high level of expertise that you need for comprehensive inspection, testing and certification for your playground.
Experience | More than 17 Years in the Industry
Playinspect has led the industry for more than 17 years now. We have provided inspection and certification to the likes of the Mosman Council, Blacktown City Council, Austekplay, Blue Mountains City Council, Western Sydney Parklands and many more.
Passion | We are Dedicated to Keeping Children Safe and Secure
This is our passion. We have dedicated our lives to work that ensures our children can play safely and securely. Our kids access playgrounds at a crucial time of their lives. It is when they begin to reach out to others, when they play and explore. They should be able to do so without undue risks.
Playinspect provides you with the security and peace of mind to let children be children and play to their hearts’ content.